In the far outskirts of some rural place, lies a tiny town that’s so content, so complacent, so compliant that the Amazian Regime doesn’t even care to police it.

At the center of this place, is the Alyu Center for Bliss. This place won’t even come on any map. For all intents and purposes, it doesn’t even exist.

Here, those of us who still believe that a better future is possible, will meet for 24-hours.

We know you’ve been lonely. We know you’re tired of fighting. So are we. We need to heal. We need to laugh. We need Bliss.


We need you to come fully prepared. This is a very remote area. Cell phone and wifi service are virtually nonexistent there. We take comfort in that and hope you do too. 


Prior to the invention of NanoTech Pharmaceuticals by Amazian Bionics, the Alyu Bliss Center was the most respected Bliss Life Institution in the Nation. Their track record for reforming willing rebels, misfits, and outcasts was at least 25% higher than any of their competitors. 

This was thanks to a series of proprietary Bliss Protocols performed by the most respected Bliss Technicians of the time. We’ve assembled a diverse handful of those Bliss Techs most promising protégés.

Their skillsets include the immersive multisensory massage, floral funplay, freaky foodplay, a variety of other wonderfully creative spa-type services. Of these services must be reserved in advance. They are likely to book fast. Our Bliss Techs are in high demand.


Food will not be “sold” at this Festival of Bliss. Instead, we will each bring our own snacks and ingredients to cook over our campfires. Sharing and exchanging food. Cooking together. Sharing recipes and techniques. All of this is highly encouraged and known to significant aid in increasing our collective Bliss Index.


There’s nothing the Amazian Regime values more than uplifting content on social media. Therefore, we’ve retooled our avatar creation process to inspire a new kind of new you. One that says, I am not a threat. One that shows you mean no harm. One that embraces the calming, comforting, color known as Bliss Pink. 

Once we work together to create this new digital you. We invite you to frolic in nature. Show us just how blissful you can be. If you really want to be convincing, work with our Bliss Techs that specialize in Bliss Fantasy Makeovers. From hair + makeup to upcycled clothing + artisanal accessories, these fashion wizards can transform you into the model Amazian Citizen in no time.  


What brought us all together originally was the promise of being able to upload to an alternate reality. Only in Second Reality could we be the people we always wanted to be.

Now, our Second Reality is so powerful, we can show you photorealistic simulations of how you might look in any episode of the Departing Dystopia Saga.

Bliss Fest is our first adventure that offers guests who can’t physically attend the option to see how they could have looked if they were there.



We thought we could defeat the Amazian Regime for good. Instead, they lead us into a web of chaos and manipulation. Rumors and conspiracy theories are running rampant. 

There is no way for us to ever know exactly what happened at Amazian Labs. We’ve all been flooded with conflicting stories. Most of us feel betrayed by each other. Either way, trust is gone.

How do we move forward from this? How do we come together again to try to heal our broken hearts? I think I have the answer.

We have no choice but to start over. We can’t sit back and continue to let this Regime exterminate all who fail to fit into their self-serving version of “Utopia.”

But we just don’t have any fight left in us. Even if we did, we’re too disorganized. Too busy trying to pick up the pieces of our shattered selves. Too occupied merely trying to survive. I get it!

Here’s what I think we can do…