We celebrated way too soon. The Amazian Regime is back and quickly becoming more powerful than ever. This time, they have the fervent support of an increasing number of tie-hard Loyalists. For these Loyalists, safety, order, predictability, and control are values worth upholding at all cost.

  • The result has been an era of Amazian History, more ultra-violent than anything we could have ever imagined.

    Any one who disagrees with the regime is now blacklisted. All screens on the grid play only Amazian Propaganda and Programming.

    Meanwhile, the regime is free to round up or exterminate anyone they choose at any time. Their DADSS (Delivery Attack Drone Security System) have been upgraded. The largest drones in the fleet are capable of capturing and transporting groups of up to 10 people at a time, while their smallest drones, now able to infiltrate our airways, enter our blood streams, and effectively turn their unprotected, unsuspecting targets into bionic puppets.

    Worst of all, these advances in their military technology have accelerated their sadistic human experimentation. In particular, those captured and transported to Amazian Labs are subject to the most brutal clinical trials. Trials that would have previously been illegal to perform even on lab rats. Nothing is off limits any more.

    They control the story. They can get away with anything and no one will be the wiser.

    Even if the remaining few curious Amazian Citizens find out the truth through TSIMECAs remaining encrypted communications platforms, they would not. For most, the fear of today’s consequences of their curiosity is far too intense.

    It’s a comply or die situation now for anyone not on a suicide mission. For us knowns ROMs (rebels misfit outcasts) who’ve managed to avoid capture by remaining within walls of our impenetrable TSIMECA Basecamp, our fears manifests as nausea and unbridled rage.

    That rage is eating us alive. No longer can we hide in the Dystopian Woods. No longer can we run away and play pretend in Second Reality. We have to fight. We have to stop the Amazian Regime once and for all.

    NOW FOR THE GOOD NEWS!!! We’ve found the top secret location of Amazian Labs!!! And, we’re finalizing a foolproof plan to permanently overthrown the entire regime!

    Furthermore, Amazian Labs also appears to be the headquarters for the entirety of their AI Governance System!

    But wait, the news just keeps getting better! This also appears to be the place where the biological remains of the Bionic Billionaires reside! Yes, you read that correctly. Amazian Labs is also where the Bionic Billionaires store their repulsive cyborg bodies while they await successful clinical trials testing tech that would allow them to be reborn in immortal human form!!!

    We can knock them out easier than we ever dreamed possible!

    MAIN CAST/CHARACTERS: Sly, Lumi, Kat, Farasha, Ursa, Gallo, FlamingoGo, Mantix, Gren, Komodo, Anaconda, Cobruh, Battney, Bunnyta, Tort, Scarab, Gazellia, Jaguara, Chamelio, Zaldi, Liona, Pisces, Piranchio, Pandona, GriZ, Sly



Our confidence in our troop leaders is through the roof. We trust the intel we’ve gathered implicitly. We are more organized than ever, having planned a series of missions that made optimal use of our diverse, highly trained troops of vengeful veteran soldiers. The new recruits are bursting at the seams with enthusiasm.



None of that mattered. The moment we breach the doors of Amazian Labs, my heart sinks. Everything is wrong. What ensued was pure chaos. Our intel could not have been more wrong. The whole thing must have been just an elaborate decoy. Not only were the Bionic Billionaires no where to be found. We were instantly locked out of all the communications systems we’d hacked. It was as if the regime had lured us into some kind of trap.



Things continued to get worse. The sense of shock triggered the old me. The me who was taught to grin and bear it. The empty corporate mantras of the greedy sociopaths I’d worked before defecting to TSIMECA enveloped me like a nasty old security blanket. That ear to ear smile I’d hidden behind back then as a coping mechanism was now plastered across my face once again.

I have no other option but to move forward. I’m scrambling to convince everyone who crosses that everything was ok.

Somehow, despite the fact that we had zero viable intel, zero ability to communicate with troop leaders without speaking directly into their ears, it would all be fine in the end. I don’t know why this false sense of hope and optimism exists in me. Nothing in my life has ever turned out ok in the end. Even when it did, I felt inexplicably and unbearably depressed immediately following any accomplishment.



As I spiral deeper and deeper into what can only be described as a catatonic yet nauseatingly optimistic survival mode, it all starts to become a blur.

I know I’m heartbroken. I’m certain I’ll never recover from this. I’m growing more and more convinced that the entire TSIMECA Organization is as good as done.



How had the Amazian Regime been this many steps ahead of us? How were we so blind. Why am I such an idiot? I’m drowning in my own mind. I literally can’t breathe.

This feeling forces me out of my head.



I use my recently discovered empath abilities to enter the minds of others even outside of Second Reality.

Wait…This can’t be right. How is this possible?

The vast majority of others are not just ok. They are elated. They are playful. They are reveling in the chaos.

Do they think this is a victory? Nothing makes sense anymore. As I pace the halls of Amazian Labs, the overall emotional state being experienced is actually arousal! They are celebrating.



I am alone.

I am broken.

I am done.